How to help pollinators during drought and dry seasons
During hot temperatures, pollinators get thirsty just like you and me. This article has some good tips on how to keep them safe and hydrated.
For Monarch Butterflies News and Tallies:
Planting wildflower gardens help all your neighborhood pollinators. Find out the latest Monarch Butterfly counts at the Xerces Society. Click here, and here, and here for more articles.
One in every three bites of food we eat is made possible because of pollinators. Loss of habitat, pesticides, global warming, and genetically modified plants are causing these vital insects to perish at a devastating rate. Please consider helping Kibble’s friends by planting a wildflower garden. We’ll help you get started with a free Kibble Wildflower Mix seed packet. Offer available only within the 48 contiguous United States.
Kibble’s Wildflower Mix made possible from the proceeds of “Kibble: The Monarch Caterpillar Afraid to Get Wings” storybook with audio by Anita Gnan
Kibble’s Wildflower Mix contains:
4 different types of Milkweed to help Kibble and his friends (Butterflyweed, Common, Showy, and Sunset Flower). We’ve also included other habitat restoring seeds beneficial to pollinators such as: Baby Blue Eyes (A), Baby Snapdragon (A), Baby’s Breath (A), Basket of Gold (P), Bee Balm (P), Bergamot (P), Bishop’s Flower (A), Black-Eyed Susan (B), Blanketflower (P), Blazing Star (P), California poppy (A), Candytuft (A), China Aster (A), Cilantro (A), Crimson Clover (A), Dill (A), Dwarf Cornflower (A), Dwarf Cosmos (A), Forget me Not (A), Gaillardia (A), Gayfeather (P), Globe Gilia (A), Godetia (A), Illinois Bundleflower (P), Indian Blanket (A), Lacy Phacelia (A), Lance-Leaved Coreopsis (P), Larkspur (A), Lemon Mint (A), Lupine (P), Maximilian Sunflower (P), Mexican Hat (P), Nasturtium (A), New England Aster (P), Non-So-Pretty (A), Partridge Pea (A), Plains Coreopsis (A), Purple Coneflower (P), Purple Prairie Clover (P), Red Poppy (A), Rockcress (P), Rose Mallow (A),Scarlet Sage (P), Shasta Daisy (P), Siberian Wallflower (P), Strawberry Clover (P), Sulphur Cosmos (A), Sweet Alyssum (A), Sweet William (B), White Dutch Clover (P), Wild Lupine (A), Wild Cosmos (A), Wild Sunflower (A), Zinnia (A),
A = Annual B = Biennial P = Perennial
Please note: Seeds arrive at West Creek Media pre-mixed. While we do our best to hand-package consistent varieties, seed packets do vary.
We love seeing your Kibble wildflower gardens.
Be sure to let us know how your garden grows. #westcreekmedia #kibblebook
Western Monarch Butterfly and Caterpillar Population continues toward Extinction
Monarch Butterfly population that winters along the California coast hit a low of less than 2,000 butterflies—a 99.9% decline since the 1980s.
Heading to California? Visit Pismo State Beach
Pismo State Beach is one of the best places to see the Great Monarch migration live. Visit this little California beach town on your next trip.
Less plastic = Less waste
International Coastal Cleanup Day (ICC) is September 16, 2023
Every third Saturday in September is International Coastal Cleanup Day where environmentally conscious people around the world come together to rid our beaches, lakes, streams, and waterways of litter. Please consider volunteering.
Photo taken at Pismo Beach, California by Connie Masotti
This travel-worn Monarch was observed during the Xerces Society’s 2019 Western Monarch Thanksgiving Count. Volunteers count overwintering Monarchs at various sites during the Thanksgiving Holiday. Their efforts help to better understand the challenges facing the Monarch’s rapidly declining population. Learn more at The Xerces Society.
Rats and creepy-crawlies are good for us! Wait…what?
It’s easy to dismiss those insects and rodents who make our skin quiver at the very sight of them, but it’s important to remember they play an extremely vital part in our food chain. Pesticides and Rodenticides are often used without thought as to how these poisons threaten a vast number of wildlife, pets, and humans.